My submission to the first community driven chain project of the re-branded Rocket Lasso Slack channel. 
This is an extended version of my original submission to the chain project. The theme of the video revolved around Rocket Lasso and the rocket from the logo was the central object. For this chain, our deliveries were two different shots. The first, a locked-off shot with the rocket centered. The second is a stylistically identical shot of your own choice.

Initially, I wasn't planning on joining the chain but 4 days before the deadline I started to see if I can get something out. Mainly by just playing with concepts, I didn't build a proper structure or workflow. I skipped story boarding and style frames and at the end, I tried to add too many ideas. Because of this, I've decided to create these extended versions.

My idea was to combine my top current favorites: AKIRA anime, Ruiner game, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the recent short by Ash Thorp and Friendly Robot PASSAGE.
I think the biggest lesson I've learned in this project was that 90 frames are too short to get a grasp of what is going on, especially if you include text. A technique that I've noticed was in the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime. There are long slow scenes followed with fast visual flashes.
In this project, I've used: Substance Painter, Cinema 4D, Octane Render engine, After Effects, and Adobe Audition. Most of the sound is the Apolo SFX and Giovanni Rotondo sample packs from the site

Special thanks to:
Chris Schmidt, Paul van Sommeren and special thanks to Lukasz Pason for helping me out with rendering.
UI element from Neon Genesis Evangelion
"We were never friends" - Ruiner Game. The Kanji in the back reads Baka, as in idiot.
Get them puppy text is also from the game Ruiner
The sticker on the rocket is a cut out from Akira manga
I tried to recreate the stickers from Kaneda's motorcycle in Akira
Texturing in Substance Painter
Neon Rocket Texturing in Substance Painter
Akira Stadium Test with the first Rocket Texture
かせん : Rocket [fire arrow]
One of my more favorite scenes, but I didn't pursue this style as the fog would have taken too long to render with time I had.
Light spin test. At the end I removed the strobes and placed it in the blackness of space
Another scene test but because of time constraints I didn't use it
One of the first styling tests for the Hacking scene. I ended up with a more retro vibe as I had to cut down on render times.
Sticker Set

Thank you for checking out my project. If you would like to contact me, you can send me an email to

You can also have a look at my work on ArtstationInstagram or Dribbble

Rocket Lasso Chain

Rocket Lasso Chain

Submission to community chain project for the re-branded Rocket Lasso slack channel.
